Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The second time around - Holiday Style

Lil Jeep for Christmas
Originally uploaded by aleigha.
Wow!! What a marked difference between this christmas and last christmas for H!! It was soooo much fun. He helped put up the christmas tree by hanging an ornament and ohhing and ahhing at the lights. Oh what joy!! On christmas eve my family did our traditional family dinner at Evergreen Restaurant at Stone Mountain. H did a wonderful job eating and ate just about everything we put in front of him: blueberries, chicken florentine, wild rice, and his favorite choclate cake!!!!

Chrismtas morning I hosted a breakfast for the "fam" to come over and exchange gifts and watch the kids get their presents. So mom,dad, sis and bro-n-law and their new baby (London), sis- n-law, and mother-n-law. I tried something different this chrismtas, thanks to my friend Nancy - I made a frittata!!!!
We also had patak bacon, southern biscuits, and creamy grits!!!!!!
Mother-in-law bought H alot of clothes and mom and dad got him a cool trampoline. He can hold onto the bar and jump up and down. I got him a doodle pad (etch a sketch) and leap frog magnets that talk for the fridge, puzzles, touch and feel books and a shape sorter. My secret santa from my wonderful friends in the September Mommies group sent Henderson an adjustable basketball goal that he can use up until he is FIVE YEARS OLD!!! -- Way to go!! He loves it and has used the one at the Little Gym before so he knew exactly how to dunk the ball :)

Then we presented him with his big gift. His Lil' Jeep Wrangler - of course he does not know how to push the pedal to go yet, but he really enjoys sitting in it and climbing in and out.

H attended a couple of holiday parties and showed off his dance moves. The child is a natural dancer - I dare to say he got that from his mother. (wink)

I am already excited for next christmas - I know that he will get so much joy out of being around family and opening gifts even more!!!!

All photos are cataloged on flickr!! Check them out!!!

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