Monday, May 30, 2005

Ode to the SAHM (Stay at Home Mom)

As a Working Mom - I sometimes get miffed if I don't get my coffee before 10:00 a.m. I think how am I going to make it through the day - the day is already completely messed up. Then I think about all the things I have to get done

One of my buddy moms from my september mommies group recently recalled her "morning fiasco" and I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. So maybe the morning commute and coffee by 10: 00 a.m. ain't so bad after all.

Morning Fiasco by Harmony L.

So far this morning had been going pretty well. I got to have a nice bath, put on some make-up and then the phone rings....its my SIL(Sister in Law). Bradley was playing in his Itellitainer and heard the phone, which he always thinks is for him, lol, so he started to fuss a little and I went over to try to calm him. I look down and WHAT!!! Bradley please say that is not poop on your foot, we just cleaned the carpets yesterday!:(

Yup, it sure is..... poop.

So I carry him into the bathroom and lay him down on the bath mat, now that he crawls there is no keeping him down. He tried to take off and got poo all over the floor :( I am trying to keep him under control, not fall in the mess he made and trying to clean it up all at the same time.

Our boy loves to pull up on the bathroom cupboard and shake and slam it since he can't get it open with the saftely latch on it. The door does open a little though....apparently just enough to get his finger jammed in the hinged side. He is screaming and leaning on the door making it so much worse. My poor sweet baby is hurt and of course I am going to pick him up and snuggle him, covered in baby poop and all.

Finally he is okay and calms down. Now I have "you know what" all over my clothes and arms :(

So much for that hot bath I had earlier. I ran a bath for my boy, stand him up in front of the tub to clean up what I can with baby wipes. Easiest to throw them in the toilet and before you know it, quick as a flash, Bradley has turned at the waist and thrown himself at the bowl. Thats right, now Mommy's Boy is splashing around with both hands in the toilet, chasing after the dirty wipes I had been throwing in!!!
OH NO!!!!

Its not even noon yet!

You have to be kidding me!

I think I need a nap!!!

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