Sunday, May 22, 2005

First Mum's Day

Going through old posts and I never posted this mothers day one!!!hmmmmm


I must say that this mother's day brought on a whole new perspective for me....Oh My God ...I am someone's mother--like take out to brunch, get her some flowers, get her a card, MOTHER. I was a little in shock and even a little uneasy. I don't think that I have this "motherhood" thing down pat to be honored with my own day! The whole motherhood thing still freaks me out. I am still reading "motherhood" books, still researching "motherhood" topics on the internet--AM I READY FOR MY OWN DAY?

I remember when I was a teenager my mom would say to me "You know--they don't have a class for mommies, you guys didn't come with a manual." "I am doing the best that I can" - How profound is that to me now??? Deeper than Deep- Cause I get it-- I really get it now. She was totally justified in saying what she said and even though I view her as Super mom. She was in graduate school my entire childhood- but I don't remember us eating out that often. We always had a home cooked meal - McDonalds was a treat not a staple. The house remained reasonably clean - , she always had time to spend with us and talk about our day- and she worked a full time job. On some levels she was a married-single mom because my dad was a high school basketball and track coach and he always had practice or a game. She even made time for family worship once a week!! We always made it to church, no such thing as I am too tired.. I don't even remember her being tired. HOW DID SHE DO IT ALL?? She kept us involved in activities and would be at every game, every performance, every event. She kept up with our grades and kept in touch with our teachers. You couldn't get anything by her; not even a forged permission slip for a field trip -LOL

When I think of mother's day --I think that my mom defy's all reason and she definitely deserves her OWN day!! I must say that I have alot to learn and I am still trying to figure this whole thing out. I still can't believe they don't give you at least a pamphlet on how to be a mom!
My mother's day morning went like this.....
Husband comes in to bedroom at an ungodly hour and tells me to wake up - I say I don't wanna, leave me alone, he says I HAVE TO GET UP. I struggle really hard - I mean REALLLY HARD. I look up and try to get my focus and he is holding my "vintage- looking" wine tray from pier 1 in his hands and apparently it has breakfeast on it. I thought to myself why is he using that tray -- it's for decoration only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But to spare his feelings, I don't go berzerk. He serves up some sausage, eggs, and pancakes. Now, my husband cannot boil water ---so I am more than shocked!!! In fact, I am little nervous...I sample the eggs, not bad. I bite a piece of sausage, OK. I try to eat a corner of a pancake but can't quite get my fork through it and he replys....NEED A KNIFE??? LOL

So after the sausage and egg breakfast - I get my first Mother's Day card from Hubby - it is really sweet. Henderson is the room now on the bed - making his presence known- and I get my mother's day card from him with a tiny scribble signaure on the bottom of the card. I say to Henderson --"Thanks for letting me be your mom"

I hope I get this thing right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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