Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tis' The Season

I have found THE miracle drug...SEASONALE. It is a new form of birth control pills that allow you to have only four periods a year. For someone, such as myself, who would be rendered cripple and deformed once a month ...this is FABU news. I started taking it about a month ago and I am giddy about the possibilities. *wink*

Don't get me wrong I wouldn't trade my lil' bambino for a truckload of Manolo Blahniks (now that's love). But I am not quite ready for another one.

So now when people say: "Oh he is so advanced." "He is moving so fast, You know what that means don't you?" "He is getting out of the way for another one." Now I can respond "Not unless it has a star fighter and a lightsaber, another one ain't gettin' through."

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