Thursday, June 02, 2005

Boy time Flies.....

My munchkin turned 9 months yesterday. I remember the during his first couple of weeks people kept saying "You better enjoy it now...time will fly by so fast" At the time, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of exhaustion, pain, anxiety and constant worrying about what to do with this tiny human being. It didn't seem like I would ever have any reprieve from colic,breastfeeding and constipation. But now I can breathe a little easier and it actually did get better and WHERE DID THE TIME GO??? LOL

Some of his latest tricks include taking steps and falling, speed crawling, crawling around and pushing anything that will slide around on the floor at the same time, handing objects to me or his dad i.e. mushy cheerios, toys, pieces of magazines, and the remote control. Dh takes full advantage of that skill. Poor child is being "pmped" to retrieve the remote already.
He is contantly smiling and laughing at his own private jokes - because he just breaks out into this laugh and I can't see anything funny??? But it makes me laugh. Nothing is off limits anymore, kitchen, stairs, bathroom - NOTHING!!!

It brings joy to my heart to have him "choose me"- he will crawl up to my legs and hold his arms open wide for me to pick him up and spend some time - but in one fail swoop he wants out of my arms and the freedom to roam. Even though I hadn't quite gotten my fix....he decided that's enough mama - I'll be back.

So I sit patiently and wait for him to want me again.

1 Home Runs:

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this was sweet! cherish every moment, savor every kiss, soak up all the love filled in his hugs

just priceless!


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