Saturday, January 14, 2006

SuperPowers Restored

I finally got "The Call." Dr. C, my pedi, called to give me the results of the CAT scan. Apparently, H's skull is normal for his age range!!!! Which we all figured! And I am really resenting going through the stress of all of this. But I do know it was better to err on the side of caution- blah, blah, blah. Dr. C mentioned that they did see that H's sinus cavities were blocked - *sigh* I guess it HAD to be something. He has had a nagging left ear thing going on too - that he should have had irrigated last week) but we just didn't make the trip to have it done. I figured he had been through enough for a little while. So she would like for us to see the ENT to have everything taken care of.

The one baffling part of all of this is she mentioned that we should come in for one more weight and head check and if she is still not "satisfied" we will need to see an neurologist!

Given that Henderson has never exhibited any signs of a neurological disorder- this request seems quite asinine to me. I think we will go for a second opinion before proceeding with the next phase.

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