Friday, January 27, 2006

Next stop Sleepland or the Mental Institution

Ahhhh!!!!!! That is the sound of well-rested mother of a toddler who did not sleep THROUGH THE NIGHT until 2 weeks ago. I have been so paranoid about mentioning it, for fear of jinixing the new sleep pattern. No we didn't pay a sleep specialist 400.00 (which was for me the next step), No we didn't walk around with ear plugs in pretending that the whines and cries did not exist at 10/12/2/4/6, No we didn't just sit him outside and close our eyes and hope he was still there in the morning. (Ran across my mind though)

I am not sure what we did or if WE had anything to do with it. I asked for advice, read books, filled out forms - and I am cannot pinpoint exactly what worked. I like to think that it was the consistency of the routine that we had established since Henderson was about 4 months old. But who in the heck knows, H finally decided that it was o.k. to miss mommy and daddy for a while and get some rest....he would see us in the morning. :)

On the flipside I really think I have developed OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) because of H's sleep routine. I WILL NOT DEVIATE from anything that we have in place right now. I sit around the house like a person with Tourettes syndrome asking every 10 mins...WHAT TIME IS IT???? We have to feed him now.....WHAT TIME IS IT?.......He has to have his play time--for Godsakes Jonathan ----play with him!!!!NOW!!!............WHAT TIME IS IT?.........OHMYGOD, it's almost 10 after 8:00 and we haven't started running the bath water--hurry Man hurry---NO, ONLY USE THE LAVENDAR LULLABY BATH WASH.........WHAT TIME IS IT???.....GET HIM OUT OF THE TUB ...STAT!!!!......It's time to put pajamas on him---NO NOT THOSE PANTS!!!!!--ARE YOU MAD...they make him uncomfortable--are you TRYING to make me crazy!!!!..........WHAT TIME IS IT?? ........BOOK....READ.....NOW...GO!!!!.......WHAT TIME IS IT???......IF YOU DON'T PUT DOWN THE PLAYSTATION REMOTE RIGHT NOW AND KISS HIM AND HIS TEDDY GOOD NIGHT---I WILL THROW IT OUT OF THE WINDOW NEVER TO MAKE A TOUCHDOWN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........WHAT TIME IS IT????............He must go in to the crib RIGHT NOW.......But you have to turn on the classical music before you put him in the crib----and after he has kissed all of his lovies and told them good night.....YOU CAN SIT IN THE CHAIR but you can't rock him......NO DON'T USE THE RED SIPPY CUP----USE THE BLUE ONE!!!!....WHAT TIME IS IT????.....LAY HIM AT A 45 degree angle--but perpendicular to the book case.....WHAT TIME IS IT???....He must have the velour blue blanket scrunched up next to his head so he can feel it ..otherwise NONE OF THIS WILL WORK!!!!!.....Retreat back the bedroom and watch from the baby monitor until he is in SLEEPLAND........

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