Monday, December 08, 2008

Random Tomfoolery

Ehhh.. I feel like writing a little something this evening.  It will be very sporadic because I have had a faint nauseating headache for about 2 1/2 months.  Blasted allergy season.  My choices with severe allergies are limited and trust me they are bad - I had the test and found out I was allergic to everything but bee poo.  So, I started the allergy shots where they give you a little dose of your allergen then increase it more and more so you can build up an immunity.  WHO DA HELL THOUGHT THIS UP!!! so now instead of walking in the office and getting a shot and walking back out.  I walk in and then I damn near have to be carried out in a wheelchair and my eyes and limbs have swollen up and I can't wrap my hands around the steering wheel.  And they expect me to see them in another day for another shot....GO TOHELL..NO
Soo.. it thus remains that I am on medication, trial medication, homeopathy, bee poo, whatever, until I can get some type of relief.   

Ok Where was I.... "The Kid"  the kid continues to be funny.  He told me the other day in wal-mart that he was frustrated.  I think the words was brustrated -- but I got it...I asked him why?  He said because I am tired.  Hey "kid" I do understand and hi-five to you for using in the right context!!! LOL

Other News....Ambien in my joy.THAT IS ALL.

oh and sis had her baby...that will be a whole other post...;0

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