Friday, March 31, 2006

It's Hard out here for a.....Toddler

I Had to pay homage to "Hustle and Flow" in the Title, I just saw the movie and who knew a Pimp Story could be so touching?-LOL
Henderson will be 19 months old tomorrow and boy oh boy! I don't even know where to begin. I will start out with his well-baby appointment today. He has gained a good amount of weight...he now weighs, 23.6 lbs and is 31.4" height. His head circumference is still small, but we are not sweating it. I will have to make his next appointment before he turns 2 and every appointment after that will be yearly. OMG!!! What the heck! I never realized how dependent I was on the well baby visits. It just helps to have someone tell me that I am "doing things right" What ever will I do without my reassuring checkpoints from Dr. C

Henderson has been getting into all kinds of things, he loves to pull you out of your restful sitting position to take you to the kitchen and demand the likes of peanut butter, apple chips, and string cheese. He is eating a lot better and loves to feed himself pudding, rice and applesauce. His fav meal right now is Chicken nuggets and corn. YUMM YUMM!!! If he can reach it on the countertops it will belong to him!!!! I have got to get a pic of him standing on his tippy toes to reach a cup on the kitchen counter!! It will make you misty - LOL

On the sleep homefront, I am getting a full nights sleep everynight - H is pretty much going to bed and not waking up but sometimes he will get up around 2 am or 3 am because he wants to hang out with his dad. So they retreat to the sofa for "middle-of-the-night-guy-bonding". I can't make DH stop retrieving him from the crib..and I know he secretly loves it so - as long as I get my 8 hours I don't care if they are playing poker in the middle of the night.

The BBE will have his first introductory swim lesson on Tuesday and I am soo excited about this. I will update on how it went. I told the doc. about it and she said that both of her sons and the other doctors there had sent their children to the same instructor. Score one for mom!!!

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