Friday, July 14, 2006

~~Henderson Highlights~~


I remember reading in one of my many toddler books that the next few months would prove to be the busiest developmental month we have had yet. And hot diggity-dog, it has...... Here are a few Henderson Highlights:
1. Henderson can say the sounds of a lot more animals i.e dog, elephant, cat, duck, pig
2. He constantly says Mamamamamamamamamamamama - I really think that is one solid word now!!
3. He can identify broken objects i.e crayon, ice cream cone, anything that does not retain its original shape and act accordingly -complete with a pout and concerned look. He informs me that it is broken by exclaiming (in his best oscar the grouch voice) "Brokkkkeeeeeeeee Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
4. Can properly identify a Hot dog
5. Can tell us when he has pooped.
6. Can say a few sentences
7. Can ask for juice by saying Juice Mamaaaaaaaaa
8. Will ask to watch Sesame Street by singing La La Laaa La (Elmo song)
9. Can put on and take off shoes and socks and tries often succcesfully to take his shirt off
10. Can reach on top of the cabinet and pull off everything that is up there. ie. salt, plates, and peanut butter
11. He can say London's name (his cuz) and tell him No No London!
12. He can count to two.. yes.. I know...but its a start.
13. He can sing E-I -E-I O from the Old McDonald song

Ain't life grand....

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