Friday, May 26, 2006

Who let the Dawgs owt!!!

I couldn't resist this title...LOL But I have been reading a certain book to H (we switch up, every week or so) that shows pics of Neighborhood animals and a few facts about them. Oddly enough they don't delve into the sounds the animal make - so I added my own spice to each picture. Except the field mouse, because I haven't a clue what sound they make or if they even make a sound. Anywho! The norms are all there, duck, frog etc.. And each time I would make the sound H would just look at me and politely smile, as if to say--she really is a nut job, but I will humor her.

Today - we were watching TV and a dog ran down the steps on this show and I said to H, "there is a doggie" - H responds "Woof-Woof"

I lept out of my chair and cheered wildly!!!!! I couldn't believe he said it. I asked again and he repeated of course I had to make the round of calls to my sis, mom and dad so they could hear "the sound" too!!!!

I was so proud of the wee-one, I asked him to do it about 12 more times - LOL

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