Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"Sitting on the dock of the bay"

The ending to our spring break was wonderful, we had a good time at the C-BACS's cove(Sea Back) LOL (The lake house)...this name was given to the house by my mom and it is the intitals of our first names. I know we couldn't be more original than that, but that's the best we could do. LOL

Henderson had a great, time he tried to fish and had the stance of a true fisherman but ended up throwing the pole in the water more than enough of that!!! He also had his first delicacy.....earthworms!! Yep, like my girlfriend Alison said, A Part of Me Died when I looked over and saw the bark from the bait bowl and earthworm leavings!!! GEEESHHH

He did go for a ride on the boat and was the captain on the way back from the Marina. Fun Times!! PaPa and G-ma had a ball with him- we even heard him say his name TWICE!!! It was so cute! Of course, we can't get him to repeat it--but it was the cutest thing!!!

It was great to be surrounded by stress of the job, no stress regarding deadlines, and NO INTERNET!! So I was forced not to check up on things with my job! Whew!

Can't wait to go back we are overdue for another trip already!!!!

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