Friday, April 21, 2006

Mission Impossible

**This post is in no way to help support the new Mission Impossible III movie** Poot on Tom Vitamin-poppin- Cruise.** LOL

I am on a mission to "at least" keep the kitchen clean - this week. LOL So, I have been picking up and putting up and sweeping and everything nightly!!!!! It does help my psyche to walk into at least ONE clean room in the house. After cooking dinner last night I begin to clear everything away and I even sprayed the oven and cabinets down to have that nice lemony scent!!! After putting my finishing touches on the floor, I proceed to give H a bath, read book, blow bubbles etc... Jonathan comes to help put his P.J. s on while I get a 1/2 minute to look at television. I hear the "boys" in the kitchen, and I walk- in to make H's cup before bed. To my dismay there are cheerios all over the floor!!!!!! and Henderson is eating them...(thank god the floor was clean) But my mommy impulse lead me to yell - STOP eating cheerios off the floor immediately.

Me - Ummmm, Where did all these Cheerios come from?"

Bigger Boy - Laughter, " Well, what happened was......"

Me- Nooo, for REAL, "Why are there cheerios on the floor"

Bigger Boy- "H wanted some and when I opened the box he took some out and they fell all over the floor"

Me = ***Big dramatic Sigh*** why did'nt you clean them up?

Bigger Boy - Well, you are the one that stopped him from eating them off the floor!!!!!!

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