Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I've been tagged -Thanks Alli

Ok - Here are my responses to the meme -- "Big Ups" to Alli from my September Mommies group for sending it my way.

10 Years Ago

Hmmm 10 years ago would be 1995-right??? LOL.......I was finishing up my last year at Oakwood College, majoring in Biology-and hella stressed out!!!!!!! I was completing the process to take the MCAT and literally had one brain cell left and I believe it was hanging on its last dendrite. I had an apartment off campus and I was thoroughly enjoying the single life!!!! I was planning to pledge a sorority that year and trying to graduate. The biology labs were kickin' my behind; and I had a major crush on my research partner. Maybe it was the formaldehyde, or possibly the caged rats or just to much dern time in the lab. But I just knew we would be together forever...after I got rid of his girlfriend. LOL

My best girlfriends were Denise Caleb and "Rice Krispy Diva" and we had a ball together and did some wild and crazy things that year. This was honestly the best year of my college experience.

Our nightly menu consisted of Rice Krispy treats and daiquiris - boy those were the good ol'days

5 Years ago

Never took the MCAT - no Med. School - and a hiring freeze for the government kept me out of CDC so the field of Education it is. This would be my 4th year teaching 8th grade Science and I was fast approaching burnout!!!!

I lived in a awesome 2 bedroom apt. with my best girlfriend (Rice Krispy Diva) and we were honestly having the time of our life. I had been dating Jonathan (now DH) for about a year...but I was sooo not ready for commitment because the nightlife in Atlanta was really HOT and my way of coping with my starchy 9-5 was to PARTY, PARTY, PARTY!!!

OOOOO What funnn we had. Some secrets will go to the grave - WINK

1 Year Ago
I am a big ball of emotions: Because my baby boy has been hanging out with me for approximately 27 days!! My mom is coming by every day to see him and take care of me. I am antsy to get out of the house and we have yet to take our first trip out yet. I proclaim that I will master breastfeeding and I am so tired I don't even know that my body will soon crash from exhaustion.


Got my car serviced -- toyed with buying an SUV (hurried off of the car lot), went shopping at Stein Mart b/c we had a free day from work- thanks to Govenor Perdue and the anticipated gas shortage from the hurricane. Sorry about the hurricane...Not sorry about the free day. Hung out with the "fam" and had a great day.

5 Songs I Know All the Words To:
1. Adore by Prince
2. Real Love -Mary J. Blige
3. Break You Off - The Roots
4. The entire Lion King soundtrak- if you have not seen the play --GO NOW!!!
5. Any and Everything by Maxwell

5 Snacks
1. Smartfood White cheese popcorn
2. Grapes
3. Bubble gum - I am a chain chewer
4. banana nut muffins
5.Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha

5 Things I'd Do With 100 Million Dollars
1. Give My family chunks of it
2. Invest it to grow andmultiplyy- possibly invest in Real Estate properties
3. Fund Research about rare blood cancers
4. hire help of all kind - snicker
5. Shop till' I drop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Favorite Toys
1. iPod
2. Powerbook
3. My Car
4. does the checkbook count??
5. Ok- need more toys

Current Reads
1. Working Mothermagazinee
2. O - Oprah
3. What to Expect during the toddler years - HELP PLEASE SOMEBODY!!!

5 People I'll Tag to Do this Meme
1.RK Diva
3. I am sure the whole Sept Mommy group has been tagged already
4. need to make more friends with blogs-LOL

Thursday, September 01, 2005

A Labor of Love

Today my munchkin turns 1 year old!!! I have so many mixed feelings - Hubby and I discussed this journey alot last night. We reminisced over preemie outfits - (H was only 6 pounds and skinny when he was born), the trials and triumphs of breastfreeding, the first time he rolled over (thanksgiving day) and you would have thought the Atlanta Falcons won the superbowl - we were soo damn excited. We remembered the $9.00 a bottle formula (a yi yi), literally NOT SLEEPING FOR ALMOST A YEAR - do you hear me people - A YEAR! Thankfully, H has gotten down to only waking once instead of every 2 hours - and besides the fact that I should be a sleep specialist myself (hince all the mags, books and research) we did not do the Cry It Out method. Not that I have anything against CIO - Henderson Z. just wasn't buying it!!!

Each of us twitched a little when we joked about how we couldn't put him in a car seat and GO ANYWHERE without him screaming his head off i.e grocery store, daycare, the EDGE of reason, grandmas house - every destination was horror (my nerves are still recovering). We don't have to worry about boppies, mobiles, SIDS or exersaucers - but have graduated to gymsets, toddler beds, and childproofing.

It is rare that I go the bragging route- but what the heck it's the boy's birthday!!!!

My son, is sooo smart - he is a true explorer, he will examine something for long periods of time until he is satisfied with understanding it. He is also very innovative - how else do you explain an 11 month old stacking sofa pillows on the floor so that he can climb them up to the couch then jump off of the couch onto the pillows!!!!!!!!!!
His strong will won't allow mommy to pick him up or hold his hand in the mall - he wants to walk in between mommy and daddy with no assistance!!!!! *sniff
His determination is unwavering when he is trying to accomplish something - GET OUTTA THE WAY!!!! he will not stop until he is successful!!!

Yes, today is the day of birth that took me over 6 months to write about- refresh here -- oddly enough I still feel the tingles around my C-section scar, maybe they are just more prevalent TODAY -- or could it be the tingling that I feel throughout my soul when I think of glorious gift god gave me.

Happy Birthday Henderson Zachary Rosser!!!!